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Foundation Adjusts Giving During COVID19, Cancels Annual Gala

It is with great disappointment and careful consideration that the Education Foundation for Isle of Wight Public Schools announces the cancellation of our annual gala and auction for 2020. After much discussion, the board ultimately decided that cancelling the event this year is in the best interest of our community, given the health and financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

With this decision also came other decisions about our contributions to IOW public schools for this school year. Due to our annual gala and auction cancellation, we will not be able to give our individual teacher grants this year. We are hoping to be back on track for school year 2021-2022. We will, however, continue to give the two scholarships to graduating seniors recognized as Seniors of the Month. We are also very excited to announce that we are adding a new way for us to give back! We will award the 2020-2021 Teachers of the Year for each school building with $250, to reward them for their ongoing commitment to the children of Isle of Wight County Public Schools.

In order to raise the funds for this new endeavor, we will be doing a virtual fundraiser via our website, which will be promoted on our Facebook and Twitter pages! We will be posting raffle items, and packages on the site. Raffle tickets will be sold electronically and cost either $5 or $10, depending on the item. All money raised will go to our 2020-2021 school year giving opportunities!

If you, or someone you know, is able to donate an item or an experience to our raffle, please email . We appreciate all of your generosity over the years and hope you will continue to support our mission.

The Education Foundation for Isle of Wight Public Schools looks forward to what we can do to help our teachers in the future. Keep up to date on all of our events and giving at The Mission of the Education Foundation for Isle of Wight Public Schools is to secure and provide additional financial resources that will support and enhance an exemplary educational experience for all students in Isle of Wight County Public Schools.


The Education Foundation for Isle of Wight Public Schools



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